I am very pleased to present a profile of our SRI GOWRI DEGREE & P.G. COLLEGE. Sri Gowri Degree & P.G.College has been promoted by Sri Gowri Samkshema Samithi. Sri Gowri Samkshema Samithi established in the year 1990, with the objectives to promote medically advisory camp in Rural areas and awareness programmes among the rural area People to improve their economic status, establishment of general academic institutions like Schools, Colleges, to promote Vocational traning centers. The District Collectors and other Higher Officials were praised and appreciated our Samithi. Read More
Under Graduate and Post Graduate Courses
Staff Particulars
Academic Calender
Fee Particulars
The Students belongs to SC/ST/BC/EBC/EWS are eligible for schloarship as per state government norms.
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